The Institutes in Charge

  • Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Department, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
  • Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
  • Iranian Cancer Control Charity Institute (MACSA)
دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان

Course Director

  • Dr. Med. Mohammad Reza Sharbafchi, Department of Psychiatry, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
  • Dr. Alexander Wunsch, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Department, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg

220-hour course including

  • 158 hours/8 modules Web-based theoretical course
  • 62 hours Practice program
    • Home Visits
    • Case Discussions

Course Objectives

There is a high population of cancer patients, and many interested psychologists are working with them. Therefore, establishing a culture based and adaptive psycho-oncology care with the supervision of skilled and experienced experts is in high demand. The overall goal of this course is the improvement of the ability of psychosocial care of cancer patients in the oncological context and gaining or improving skills in psycho-oncology, especially in communication. By the end of this course, participants will be able to know:

  • Basic oncological knowledge of the most common cancers and treatments
  • Care and Management of the Patient at the End of Life
  • Principles in Psycho-oncology (Theories & Models)
  • Spiritual Issues in cancer care
  • Principles of Palliative care
  • Ethical Issues and Social law
  • Psychiatric Complications of Cancer & Mental Comorbidity
  • Rehabilitation, Self-help (Management)
  • Physical Symptom Management
  • Relaxation methods
  • Communication skills in Cancer care
  • Burnout and burnout prophylaxis
  • Systemic and family interventions
  • Self -awareness

Initiation and End Date

October 2020 – June 2021

Eligible Participants

International Eligible Candidates who can speak in Farsi and English and hold one of the following degrees:
(Chosen by CV and Interview)

  • Psychiatrists
  • Fellowships in Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Psychologists with a Ph.D./M.A. Degree
  • Psychiatry Residents
  • Oncologists
  • Oncology Subspeciality Residents

With Valuable Educational Sessions By

  • Dr. med. Ph.D. Darius Razavi, Institut Jules Bordet and Université Libre de Bruxelles
  • Prof. Dr. med. Ali Talaee, Dean of the School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences
  • Psychologist, Hedwig Wolf, Hospital of Schwabing, Munich
  • Dr. med. Azadeh Malekian, Isfahn University of Medical Sciences
  • Dr. phil. Reza Bagherian, Department of Health Psychology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences